Plantar Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are commonly contacted from moist walking surfaces like showers and pools. They look like pea size callouses with tiny black freckles inside and are often pushed inward do to the pressure on the feet.
Be aware of your body, Just like you are told to be aware of any changes in moles or any lumps in breasts - be aware of warts! Commonly on your feet.
We get some clients that have plantars warts and I'm not sure if these people are aware they have them but decide to say they are unaware when I tell them they do, or if people just don't realise that if it wasn't there before, chances are it doesn't belong there and you may want to check it out*
I can still work on you if you have warts- obviously I will be wearing gloves! And take all necessary precautions to insure the safety of me and my future clients. And any spa that passes the health code is using a disinfectant/sterilising method that is strong enough to kill the bacteria in the tub. I have to avoid the area, no massage because it could spread the virus any where else I touch you and no filing down the wart!
We get some clients that have plantars warts and I'm not sure if these people are aware they have them but decide to say they are unaware when I tell them they do, or if people just don't realise that if it wasn't there before, chances are it doesn't belong there and you may want to check it out*
I can still work on you if you have warts- obviously I will be wearing gloves! And take all necessary precautions to insure the safety of me and my future clients. And any spa that passes the health code is using a disinfectant/sterilising method that is strong enough to kill the bacteria in the tub. I have to avoid the area, no massage because it could spread the virus any where else I touch you and no filing down the wart!
The only time your service provider may refuse to service you is when it's a severe case or when you have come in for multiple pedicures and told every time that you have plantars warts and to treat it or see a doctor and you keep on coming back and it hasn't gotten better.
This tells us either your warts are deeply rooted and a more severe case or you are dis regarding what your estheticians has been telling you and not treating it at all.
Like I said we can work on you BUT should only work on you with warts ONCE. We go easy on you the first time - let you know you have warts and how to treat it. After this you shouldn't come back for a pedicure until they are gone, down by 50% or you just book in a polish change (no soaking).
If you know you have warts and STILL decide to come in for a pedicure, don't be shy in telling your therapist BEFOREHAND that you have warts. We really appreciate this and it prepares us, instead of being surprised later*
For the treatment of warts, go to your drugstore and get over the counter product. If you use it just like the instructions say too and they still haven't gone away then see a doctor, they may have a stronger method for you.
The photos I showed are a mild/normal case of plantars warts...they can get a whole lot worse. So like I said before, just be aware of your body and skin for any changes. If you aren't quite sure if you have a wart or have any other skin condition problems - come in and see me and I will be happy to help you out! :)